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Exactly what constitutes "Good Times?"

Those wascally early Baby Boomers grew up in a booming high trust society, yes. But they also grew up in a time when child farm labor was normal, city air was visible due to the pollution, and we could get nuked at any time. And they had the draft to deal with.

The late Baby Boomers (Generation Jones; me), dodged the draft. But we had overcrowded schools, modern math, H.R. Pufinstuff, Superfriends, gas lines, and forced busing to deal with growing up. But those of us who didn't make the mistake of going to grad school could still get in on the early tech boom and the rockin' Reagan economy.

Generation X had no draft to deal with, but did deal with busing growing up, even worse Saturday morning cartoons, and many were latchkey kids. But they still had cool toys, He Man, Ronald Reagan, and relief from the threat of nuclear catastrophe.

Later generations had no draft, smaller class sizes, Fox Kids, and *maybe* less stressful integration issues to deal with. But the job market has been heavily outsourced, and their futures have been mortgagee by Santa Claus economists of both the Right and Left.

The younger generations have been weakened by lack of recess time, helicopter parenting due to the lower trust society, and CHEMICALS.


The political Right needs to end its unconditional cheerleading of corporations. Corporations, without vigorous oversight, will poison the populace for bucks. (This is not a call for socialism! I want an adversarial relationship between the for-profit sector and government. Ethical profits are a good thing. The job of annoying bureaucrats is to point out where the profits aren't ethical. When the government owns businesses (aka socialism) this important adversarial relationship is broken.)

Go to the last chapter of Revelations. Outside the heavenly city live drunks, thieves, sexual deviants, and a Greek word that sounds like pharmacists. Chemists, perhaps?

The Science isn't settled. But back when I was young, those who needed anything close to trigger warnings were reviled. My black classmates had a favorite saying: "Get a grip on life." This was the opposite of woke.

Even yesteryear's gays were macho compared to modern Democrats.

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